Banixx FAQ for Horses & Ponies

How To Treat Scratches In Horses With Banixx
What is Rain Rot? How to Treat Rain Rot in Horses?
How to treat White Line Disease in Horses
How do I treat my horse's/pony's infection/skin infection?
How to treat Sweet Itch in your Horse or Pony
How to treat my horse's/pony's cut, wound, injury or puncture?
Horse Scratches again? Why is this happening?
How can I use Banixx Pet Care spray as a home-made Pet Wipe for my Horse?
If I have the Banixx Spray, why do I need the Shampoo?
How to remove Creosote or fence stains from your horse/pony?
How to treat thrush in horses?
How to Treat Fungus in Horses & Ponies?
How to treat my horses's/pony's/cow's ringworm
How to Treat Black Fly bites on horses?
How to treat my horse's insect bites, spider bites, mosquito bites?     
How to treat my horse's aerobic and anaerobic bacteria?
Will Banixx test at FEI/USEF competitions?
How to care for fire ant bites on Horses?
How to prevent or control thrush in horses and ponies
Can I treat thrush by just spraying Banixx onto my horse's feet?
How do I treat a horse hoof abscess?
Why is Banixx different than other products sold for thrush, white line disease and abscesses?
Why do I need a medicine boot to treat my horse for thrush, abscess or white line disease?
What if my horse will not tolerate a medicine boot or if I cannot find one to fit him?
How to treat Pigeon Fever in horses?
Since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, do you recommend articles to read?
Winning the Fight against White Line Disease with Banixx

View Horse Case Studies:

Banixx is the product of choice for many horse owners for wounds, infections, punctures, injuries, lacerations, rain-rot and ringworm, fungal infections, white-line disease, scratches and skin infections, thrush and abscesses, pigeon fever, and more.